Types of Injuries/Diseases You Can File a WSIB Claim For

Author: RCR Legal Services Professional Corporation | | Categories: Brain And Head Injuries , Covid WSIB Claims , Injured Workers Rights


When it comes to workplace injuries or illnesses, understanding your rights and the avenues available for compensation is crucial. The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) in Ontario, Canada, plays a pivotal role in providing financial support and benefits to individuals who have suffered work-related injuries or contracted occupational diseases. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various types of injuries and diseases for which you can file a WSIB claim. Whether you work in Toronto, Mississauga, Vaughan, or anywhere in Ontario, it's essential to be informed about the process and eligibility criteria.


Common Types of Workplace Injuries Eligible for WSIB Claims

1. Physical Injuries

Accidents are one of the most common causes of workplace injuries. Whether it's a slip, trip, fall, or a more severe incident like a machinery accident, if it occurs while you're working, you may be eligible for a WSIB claim. 
Jobs that involve repetitive tasks, such as typing or lifting heavy objects, can lead to RSIs. These injuries are also eligible for WSIB claims.

2. Psychological Injuries

Workplace stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues can be just as debilitating as physical injuries. If your job has caused significant psychological distress that affects your ability to work, you may be eligible for a WSIB claim.

Workers who have experienced traumatic events on the job, such as first responders or military personnel, may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is recognized as an eligible condition for WSIB claims.

Occupational Diseases and WSIB Claims

Understanding Occupational Diseases

Occupational diseases are health conditions that result from exposure to workplace hazards, such as chemicals, toxins, or harmful processes. These diseases can develop gradually over time and may not be immediately apparent.

While workplace injuries typically result from accidents or sudden events, occupational diseases develop over an extended period due to continuous exposure to hazardous conditions. Recognizing the connection between the disease and workplace exposure is crucial in WSIB claims for occupational diseases.

Common Occupational Diseases Eligible for WSIB Claims

Workers exposed to airborne contaminants, such as asbestos or toxic fumes, can develop respiratory diseases like asbestosis or occupational asthma. These conditions are considered eligible for WSIB claims.
Jobs that involve handling chemicals or irritants can lead to skin conditions such as dermatitis or chemical burns. Workers suffering from these conditions may file WSIB claims.

Special Considerations for WSIB Claims

Chronic Conditions and Aggravation of Pre-existing Injuries: Chronic conditions, such as arthritis or chronic back pain, can be exacerbated by workplace activities. Workers may be eligible for WSIB claims if their chronic condition worsens due to work-related factors.
In cases where the injury or illness results in permanent disability and affects your ability to work, WSIB offers long-term compensation to support you financially. Temporary disability benefits are also available for those who need time off work for recovery.

Occupational Diseases and WSIB Claims

What are Occupational Diseases?

Occupational diseases are health conditions that result from exposure to workplace hazards, such as chemicals, toxins, or harmful processes. These diseases can develop gradually over time and may not be immediately apparent.

How do They Differ from Workplace Injuries?

While workplace injuries typically result from accidents or sudden events, occupational diseases develop over an extended period due to continuous exposure to hazardous conditions. Recognizing the connection between the disease and workplace exposure is crucial in WSIB claims for occupational diseases.

Common Occupational Diseases Eligible for WSIB Claims

Respiratory Diseases Caused by Workplace Exposure

Workers exposed to airborne contaminants, such as asbestos or toxic fumes, can develop respiratory diseases like asbestosis or occupational asthma. These conditions are considered eligible for WSIB claims.

Skin Conditions Due to Contact with Hazardous Materials

Jobs that involve handling chemicals or irritants can lead to skin conditions such as dermatitis or chemical burns. Workers suffering from these conditions may file WSIB claims.

Occupational Cancers Caused by Carcinogens

Long-term exposure to carcinogenic substances in the workplace can lead to various forms of cancer, including lung cancer or mesothelioma. Recognizing the link between cancer and workplace exposure is crucial when filing a WSIB claim.

Special Considerations for WSIB Claims

 WSIB Claims for Chronic Conditions

Chronic conditions, such as arthritis or chronic back pain, can be exacerbated by workplace activities. Workers may be eligible for WSIB claims if their chronic condition worsens due to work-related factors.

Aggravation of Pre-existing Injuries in the Workplace

If you had a pre-existing injury that was aggravated or made worse by your job, you may still be eligible for WSIB benefits. It's essential to document how your work contributed to the worsening of your condition.


Understanding the types of injuries and diseases eligible for WSIB claims is crucial for workers across Ontario. Whether you've suffered a physical injury, developed an occupational disease, or are dealing with psychological distress due to work-related factors, WSIB exists to provide support and compensation. if you encounter challenges during the claims process, then contact RCR Legal Services Professional Corporation. Your well-being and financial security are worth the effort to secure the benefits you deserve.

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